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As many of us already know, the wellbeing advantages of working remotely are many. But being at home more doesn’t automatically mean a happier, healthier you. So, what is it about having your own garden office that makes it an excellent investment for health and productivity? Stick with us and let your friendly garden office experts explain.

A woman sits on a patio, tablet in hand, near an open sliding door with greenery and a house in the background, perhaps seeking inspiration for designing the interior of your garden office.

Working from home blues?

Less communing means more sleep, more sleep means less stress, better productivity, and more quality time with your family. Yet, while remote work is great for work-life balance, it can also have its downsides if you don’t have your home office nailed. If you’re stuck working from a make-shift desk in your bedroom (a big mental health no-no), being constantly interrupted by the kids (terrible for your relationships and stress levels), or café-hopping (lowering productivity) because you can’t find space to work comfortably at home. Having a calming, comfy, dedicated place to work is essential if you’re going to enjoy the full health and productivity benefits of the WFH revolution. A garden office is that dedicated space.

A garden office – your WFH happy place

A garden office offers a proper separation between work life and home life. Away from the family you’ll be disturbed less often, you can be more organised, more focused and less frustrated. That garden office sounds pretty good, right?

  • Feel good just going to work

A garden office is yours to make your own. So, whether you like to work in a clutter-free blank canvas or surrounded by books and inspiration, with very own garden office the only office rules are your rules!

  • Coming with painted plastered walls, you’ll be able to step into a freshly decorated room in the colour of your choice. Boost your mood with a calming blue or eggshell, or feel energised with a splash of sunny yellow.
  • Add a flexible peg board to stay organised and aid productivity.
  • Choose an adjustable standing desk and orthopaedic chair to really maximise the health benefits of being able to make your garden office your own.
  • You’ll also find that working in your calming garden office environment and getting more sleep are both brilliant for boosting your immune system. So, you’ll body will be fitter to fight the bugs off next time you need to commute.
  • Boost self-esteem working like a pro

Working from a beautifully hand-built, personally-styled garden office will give you a sense of ownership and control helping to stave off stress and depression.

  • Hardwired internet will ensure there are no unexpected connection dropouts, quiet and calming surroundings will ensure you stay cool and appear professional in all future conference calls.
  • From stylish holiday snaps to favourite quotes, or movie posters, why not fashion the wall behind your desk in a way that says something about you, so you’ll be proud to have your camera on.
  • We can’t do the work for you, but we know that a garden office, a professional space to work in, boosts self-esteem, can-do spirit and you’ll soon see your productivity levels go up in return.
  • Serenity that’s good for the soul

Hardwearing wood, fully protected with high-grade insulation, it’s easy to see why garden offices are a cosy, private, quiet place to work.

  • Peace allows your brain to focus making it easier to concentrate on work.
  • We can also fit premium soundproof plasterboard to all external walls and give your glazing a sound dampening treatment to help keep the external noises out.
  • Free from distractions you’ll find your productivity levels go up instantly.
  • Happiness-enhancing light

It has long been acknowledged that plenty of natural light is good for our mood. But it runs a lot deeper. According to an article by UCLA Health, “natural light has a powerful, and often positive effect, not only on mental health, but also on physical health and general well-being. And that “working in an office without natural light was associated with poor sleep, low mood and depression.” Great news then that garden offices are a haven of natural light.

  • Fit with double-glazed windows and full height glass doors (available as sliders or bifold) and a garden office couldn’t be more different to harsh overhead florescent lights favoured by most offices.
  • Mind-calming surroundings

Natural surroundings are recognised as helping to enhance wellbeing. The garden office is perfect for this.

  • Look out on your garden across the seasons, protected from the elements whatever the weather. You’ll be able to throw open your garden office doors in spring and summer for that feeling of letting the outside in.
  • Why not welcome featured and fury friends by leaving out some nature-friendly treats.
  • Consider adding a wraparound decking to your garden office which can be built in premium hardwearing wood to match your cladding – the perfect spot from which to enjoy a little downtime in the wild.
  • Motivating mood-enhancing music

Known to help reduce stress, music distracts and relaxes the mind as well as energises the body. Ideal for promoting good mental health as well as focus and productivity. So, forget the hectic communal office playlist. In a garden office the soundtrack to your workday is yours to choose.

  • Go-to chill out vibe, feel-good 00s classics or manic but motivating metal. Whatever your flavour, you’ll find it easy to plug in, turn on, tune in with hardwired internet ready installed.
  • Opt for a smart speaker to enjoy voice control and change tunes in your garden office without lifting a finger.    
  • Body-temperature controlled comfort

There’s always one guy in the office who wears a short sleeve shirt all year and complains about it being too stuffy even when the air-con is roaring away and everyone else is dusting snowflakes off their cheeks. A garden office is a chance to work in a comfortable year-around temperature. Your temperature.

  • Thanks to quality insulation fitted to all external surfaces, premium heating and quality, residential-standard double glazing, all included in an Eden, there is no need to worry about being chilly, whatever the weather. Unless of course that’s how you want it (and you’re that guy).
  • Stay fit with a better work-workout balance

Working remotely isn’t just a great way to ditch the commute. It’s also a chance to get to grips with a proper workout routine that fits into your life rather than the other way around.

  • Doctors recommend you exercise at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week. Make it easier to achieve, with a multi-purpose garden office.
  • Why not invest in some simple to store gym equipment that you whip out in between meetings? Checkout our recent blog which includes the best compact gym equipment for garden gyms.
  • Or even better still, invest in a 2-room garden office. It can be used by the whole family, or indeed dedicate the second room solely to a gym to enjoy regular training sessions in the comfort, before, after, or even during work hours. Although we’d draw the line at the mid-meeting workout!
  • Strengthening relationships

While it’s certainly not for everyone, some couples do opt for the co-working garden office space. It can be a really nice way to allow couples to bond.

  • Remember to choose a room big enough to give each other enough space.
  • The next best thing however is the 2-room garden office. One building divided into two separate rooms. It’s the best of both worlds as you’ll be able to enjoy your own space, and yet, there’s always a chance to step outside for an alfresco cuppa or a bonding lunchtime walk.
  • Healthier pockets

Money worries can lead to stress and depression. So, if you’re going to make space for a comfortable long-term office at home, then a beautifully hand-built garden office is a cheaper and less stressful alternative to extending your home. Not to mention that there’s usually no need to worry about planning permission with a garden office. It’ll also take a lot less time to complete too. Add to that the savings you’ll make by not doing the regular commute. It’s win-win-win!

  • Just make sure you look for a company that includes all the essentials in your quote to avoid any nasty surprises or costly add-ons that’ll soon add up.  Quality, residential-standard windows and doors, painted plastered walls, premium electrics (sockets, hard-wired internet, spotlights), heating and high-grade insulation are all features you’ll need fitted from the day you move in to make your garden office comfortable to work in all year around.
  • Plus, a guarantee and aftercare will help with peace of mind. So, avoid any unnecessary worry and choose a transparent and trusted supplier like Eden.

Healthy habits to adopt in your new garden office

Once you’ve got the perfect place to work, keep a healthy lifestyle and mindset while working from your garden office.

You’ll love the distraction free garden office but don’t forget to connect.

  • Make the most of family time. Cook together, eat together, play together, laugh together.
  • Make time to connect with colleagues outside of the day-to-day job. Even if you’re all working from garden offices in different corners of the world, you can still bond. A quick-fire virtual weekly quiz is a fun way to get the team talking
  • Make a point of meeting up in real life. Find someone local for a regular coffee or walk. If you’re not near any of your established friends then look into local clubs, sports groups and networking groups for an introduction.
  • Make excuses to visit the office. Try to escape the garden office least once a month. Gather the team for a meeting, lunch or after work social. A connected team works better together and in turn reduces stress.

You’ll love being in your garden office but don’t forget to give yourself a break.

  • Take a break when you need one

Free from distractions it can be tempting to power on in the quiet of your garden office all day long. Don’t. You’ll find taking regular breaks is much better for focus and productivity. What’s more, even a short movement break will boost energy levels.

  • Make time to decompress

Try to give yourself a little downtime between work and home. Whether that’s staying in your garden office to play a few of your favourite tunes, reading a book or heading out for a walk, workout or just a shower. Giving your brain a moment’s break will be good for both you and your loved ones. A mini ‘me’ break is especially important for parents to aid the transition from one role to another. Reducing your stress and helping reboot your energy levels ready to focus on the family

  • Just because you can work anytime, doesn’t mean you should

Try to maintain a healthy work life balance by not popping back to your garden office in the evenings and weekends too often. So, unless you’ve opted for an office-come-gym or an office-come-entertainment space and it’s movie night, then try to clock off at 5.30pm regularly, shut the door and walk away.

Well, we’re feeling pretty good about what we do right now. Not only are our beautiful garden offices making our customers’ lifestyle dreams come true, but seeing all the health, wellbeing and productivity benefits listed out – it’s some heart-warming stuff! So, go on, skip the back-to-back coffees on the train to work and enjoy the laidback life closer to home in your very own garden office. Your mind and body with thank you.

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