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Panoramic view of modern bathroom with a shower, sink, toilet, and patterned tile flooring. One of the benefits is that it feels like a garden room, bringing an airy and refreshing ambiance to your daily routine.

From a home office to a luxury entertainment space, when you’re planning a garden room it’s easy to see why a lot of people choose to upgrade to a garden room with bathroom.

The convenience alone is a very strong reason, especially if your garden room is to be built a fair distance from the house. Small children will find it particularly handy to have a bathroom close by, and you will find less garden mess makes it into your home.

However, as well as the extra cost, fitting a bathroom can bring with it a few potential issues that will need resolving before building work can start.

So, what are the benefits of a garden room with bathroom, and are they worth the extra effort?

Here we look at the benefits and outline a few of the key considerations to help you make a well-informed decision on your future garden room.

Enhance leisure time thanks to a garden room with bathroom

From movie nights to laid-back BBQs, and hot tub parties to workouts, garden rooms offer a whole host of life-enhancing leisure uses.

With all of those activities in mind, it makes sense to consider adding a toilet, and maybe even a shower room.

A space to freshen up and changed after a dip in the tub or a gruelling training session, or simply somewhere to nip off to mid-movie so you don’t miss too much of the action.

Having a garden room with bathroom will make the experience a more comfortable one, helping you enjoy your leisure time that bit more.

Stay in the zone, choose an office garden room with bathroom

If you dream of a garden room office to help you get away from the house and fully immerse yourself in work, then it would be a shame to have to trudge across the garden and back to the realities of home every time you need the loo.

You can avoid getting distracted by the laundry pile by treating yourself to the convenience of a garden room with bathroom tagged onto your office. It’ll make life so much easier and is perfect for a quick natural break between zoom calls.

Of course, if the bathroom plumbing is going to be put in, you might also want to consider a small kitchenette for tea and biscuits on tap?

Could a garden room with bathroom be better for a home business

When you’re setting up a business at home, you’ll probably have a lot to shell out for up front. So, the extra expense of a garden room with bathroom might seem like a luxury.

But let’s be honest, if you’re expecting clients to visit your garden room, it won’t feel as professional to have to send them into your home to use the bathroom. (Not to mention the added pressure of having to constantly keep your home tidy for just that eventuality.)

A garden room with bathroom and kitchenette facilities are also important if you’re likely to take on staff, to ensure they have a suitable working environment. Or indeed if you’re offering any kind of beautician, tutoring and training services, to ensure your clients always feel relaxed and comfortable. And, well, if your clients are happy, that’s got to be good for business.

A person with short white hair sits on a modern outdoor chair on a wooden patio, looking at a tablet. In the background, there is a garden room and the exterior of a brick house, showcasing the garden room advantages.

Could I turn my garden room with bathroom into a self-contained living space?

If you envision your space as a more permanent residence, you’ll need to navigate the labyrinth of planning and building control. This step can add significant time and expense to your project.

Remember, an outbuilding is ideal for purposes that complement the use of your main house. It’s a versatile space designed to enhance your home, rather than replace it.

Additional building regulations will also be required which will mean extra cost and timing implications.

A small bathroom with a white toilet, a sink with cabinets beneath, a shower with a glass door, and a patterned tile floor. A wooden door and a wall-mounted towel rail are visible on the right. This cozy garden room with bathroom offers convenience and style in one compact space.

Why a garden room with bathroom can be tricky

Before we get too carried away with your garden room with bathroom dreams, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty with a few of the details.

1) Size matters

If you’re planning a very small garden room, you may want to forget about the addition of a toilet altogether.

While there’s no limit to the size of your WC, comfort is key, so we wouldn’t recommend a footprint of less than 140cm x 95cm for the bathroom itself.

The size of your site and your budget will impact on your plans so make sure you’re happy with the space allowed before you commit.

2) Installing the essentials: power and water

Power is relatively simple, and it’s likely it’s already been factored into your garden room. With a bathroom you’ll also need a fresh water supply.

Both elements can be run up your garden in the same trench, but you’ll have to consider the disruption this might cause in your garden.

Can it be done without digging up your prize roses?

3) Ventilation

A bathroom, especially one with a shower will require ventilation to avoid damp.

If it’s not possible to add an opening window then we can add an extraction fan, these can also be fitted with humidity sensors, so they turn on only when required, saving you precious pennies.

4) What to do about waste?

If you’re lucky, and your property sits below a local sewer pipe, it is simply a matter of fitting a water pump into your garden room with bathroom and connecting to the sewer.

If not, never fear. There are plenty of options that your garden room specialist can advise you on, including fitting a macerator pump which can be used virtually anywhere.

5) Ask your specialist about new-style composting toilet.

For a snip of the price, your eDen team can fit a snazzy new composting toilet that does away with the extra costs of digging out for sewage and even water pipes. No.1s are removed to a simple soakaway, whereas no.2s are turned into compost.

A simple hand sanitisation unit is then fitted. It’s a practical and cost-effective way to deliver a functional space.

Will you opt for a garden room with bathroom or without?

As you can see there are plenty of great reasons to consider a garden room with bathroom, and for some, this will come with very little extra disruption. But as always, every garden room is completely unique to you and your situation. At eDEN, we always advise our customers to speak to the experts, keep a budget in mind and go with their gut. Ultimately, you don’t want to be disappointed, so if you can make it work then we’ll go out of our way to help make your garden room dreams a reality.

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